Slender Original, an independent horror game, has captivated the gaming community with its eerie tale of a mysterious stalker known as Slenderman. In a dark and creepy space, players will embark on a thrilling journey to search for lost clues. This challenge captivates you with its chilling atmosphere, eerie solitude, and surprising elements. Do you dare to face and discover the horrifying truth in this mysterious forest?
Slender Original puts you on a quest to collect all eight pieces of paper scattered throughout the dark forest. But things are not that simple! Each time you find a piece of paper, Slenderman becomes more dangerous, appearing closer and closer and making the atmosphere oppressive. Your flashlight is your only tool for illumination, but be careful; it won't work forever!
Besides looking for clues, players have to always be vigilant and keep their distance from Slender Man. If you look directly at him for too long, the screen will become noisy and the game will end immediately. The rustling sounds in the bushes or the sudden silhouette passing by make you unable to ignore them.
Game Controls
- Drag the mouse to look.
- Use the WASD keys to move.
- Press the F to turn on or off the flashlight.